24-hour Rescue
6628 1866

How you can help

Helping wildlife during the hot weather
Hector, the Swamp Wallaby, having a drink (photo by C. Cochran)

Hector, the Swamp Wallaby, having a drink (photo by C. Cochran)

Summer has arrived, and the hot weather is hard on all of us, wildlife included. You can help by providing clean water in shallow dishes on the ground and/or in a tree or birdbath.

Make sure the dish is shallow so that animals cannot drown. Ceramic and plastic dishes such as the ones used under plant pots are cheap and practical, and you will soon see birds using them to drink and bathe. If the dishes are on the ground, put them in an open area, not far from a tree or large shrub, so that animals can see predators (such as cats) coming and can take refuge.

Also ensure that you wash these water dishes regularly with soapy water to minimise the possibility of diseases being transmitted from one bird to another, and change the water daily if possible to avoid mosquitoes breeding in them.

If you see animals in distress, please report them to our hotline as soon as possible.