Adapted from an article written by Chrisy Clay for the Ballina Shire Advocate. The social networking site, Facebook, has shown its value to local wildlife by helping to identify a badly injured echidna in need of aid. Last month a Northern Rivers Wildlife Carers’(NRWC) Facebook follower sent the organisation some photos of a young echidna […]
The Northern Rivers Wildlife Carers operate across one of the most biodiverse regions in the country, and as a result we rescue a very wide range of animals. Unfortunately the vast majority of animals come into care because of human activity.
Like all volunteer organisations, Northern Rivers Wildlife Carers are always in need of more members. NRWC are holding an introductory training session for new members (over 18 years of age) and encourage people interested in helping native animals to attend.
At the training session new members will learn more about the organisation and be trained to rescue and assess injured or orphaned native animals.
Sunday 25th of August, 2013 9:30am to 3pm Lismore
$35 for new members (includes morning tea and membership to 30 June 2014) Email our Training Ofiicer at for bookings, or call our hotline on 02 6628 1866 for more information.
Tim Pearson at the TEDx conference in Canberra
Tim Pearson dedicates his time to researching one of Australia’s great unsung ecological heroes – the Flying Fox. In this touching and illuminating talk, Tim argues that we should give them superstar status, and care more about these creatures and the vital work they do. It’s a very informative and entertaining presentation, make sure you […]
Snake advice
As the weather warms up, Northern Rivers Wildlife Carers are getting lots of calls regarding snakes. The points below give some general advice on what to do if you see a snake….. • If you see a snake outside, stand still, then slowly walk away from it, they are short sighted and chances are they […]
Magpie Swooping Season
Spring has arrived, and the Northern Rivers Wildlife Carers are preparing for ‘magpie swooping season’. It’s this time of year when some magpies defend their nest from cats, dogs, other birds, even people; swooping them if they come too close. “Every year the Northern Rivers Wildlife Carers receive many calls regarding swooping magpies, and it […]
Release day for “Splash”
Release day for ‘Splash’ the echidna was a special day for property owner Cheryl and Northern Rivers Wildlife carer Chrisy. Splash was a very unusual case, he was rescued from a disused aquaculture tank on Cheryl’s property at Tucki Tucki. It’s likely, judging from his condition, that the echidna had been stuck in the tank […]
The Magnificent Topknot Pigeon
In the North Coast hinterland, we often see large flocks of Topknot Pigeons which fly at great speed through the area in search of ripe rainforest fruit. Often you can hear them coming well before they even clear the tree line, with their rapid wing beats creating quite an amazing sound. A very large bird […]
Found Injured / Orphaned Wildlife?
24-hour Hotline: 6628 1866
Look out for roaming Echidnas
Adapted from an article written by Chrisy Clay for the Ballina Shire Advocate Please look out for roaming echidnas: winter is the start of echidnas’ breeding season, and it’s when they’ll be regularly seen trying to cross roads in search of a mate. Echidnas are rarely seen any other time. They don’t cope well with […]
Flying-foxes, rain and netting tips
Adapted from an article written by Jo Shepherd The prolonged wet weather is taking its toll on local wildlife and no species is doing it tougher than flying-foxes. Large numbers of bats have been coming into care, weak and emaciated, due to shortage of food. As pollen and nectar are the main diet of flying-foxes, […]
Dental cement saves injured Lorikeet
Adapted from an article written by Chrisy Clay for the Ballina Shire Advocate It’s not every day a dentist is asked to help repair a wild bird’s beak, but that’s just what was asked of Dr Kim Davies of Bytes Dental (Ballina). Approached by the Northern Rivers Wildlife Carers, Kim didn’t hesitate to lend a […]